Beware - I'm venting a little in this post - so if you are one of those habitually positive, glass is half-full kind of people, you may want to skip this post!
As many of you may have heard Flying J filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy before Christmas. They rushed all of us into an emergency meeting to tell us that all of our jobs were safe and no one needed to panic. Well, at this point I was working 1 day a week in the office and 4 days at home. I talked to my boss the day this announcement was made and he told me that I needed to come back full time or not at all. So with a heavy heart and many tears, I found a daycare for
Ryker and mentally prepared myself to go back to work full time.
On January 19
th I took
Ryker to his first day at Children's Classic. I cried when I left the school, cried all the way to work, and then cried every time I thought about him! When I picked him up they informed me that one of the children had been diagnosed with RSV, a very nasty
respiratory virus that can put babies in the hospital. She told me to watch
Ryker carefully for signs of a really bad cold. We made it through the rest of the week with no symptoms but on Sunday I noticed
Ryker wasn't acting like himself, he wasn't showing signs of a cold but had a slight fever. Rick and I
both thought he was just teething so I took him to school on Monday. Well that night he woke up with a temp of 102.3. As a new mom, I FREAKED out! I was ready to take him to the ER at mid-night! Rick calmed me down and convinced me to wait until the next day so I could take him to his own pediatrician. On Tuesday he tested positive for RSV! Poor little guy - he was so miserable!
With everything going on at Flying J, we decided that it wouldn't be smart for me to take time off so soon. Rick took the rest of the week off and proved that he really is such a great Daddy! He took excellent care of him and loved being able to spend a couple days
together without Mom there. Since we caught it so quickly we were able to keep him inside and away from other children, he recovered very quickly and was able to go back to school yesterday, February 2
nd. Rick and I went back to work. Little did I know, it was my last day!
Flying J had a corporate restructuring team come in and see which departments were making them money and which weren't - we weren't! They pulled us all into a room and handed us our last paychecks! Now, I will admit, I had 2 thoughts going through my mind. 1) Yeah! I don't have to take
Ryker to daycare, I can be home with him again! 2) Crap, what are we gonna do about money and finding a job in this awful economy!
After all this was done and I packed up my cubicle, I went to pick
Ryker up. After letting them know that I was withdrawing him, they let me know that he had been bit by another child! Right in the middle of his forehead! They had a 1 1/2 year old in with the babies and he bit my child! That is when I really started being thankful that I didn't have to take him there anymore!
Here is my vent: Why couldn't they have let me know I didn't have a job 2 weeks ago? This could have saved me the heartache of leaving my child with complete strangers, counting on a paycheck, watching my child be miserable with RSV and lastly
Ryker wouldn't have a huge welt between his eyebrows! Come on people, that is just mean!